Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I have noticed the language between the lines in life
 and it says that I'm exhausted. 
I have collected a few people 
- or rather they have collected me.
 I feel like a monster - I love them entirely, but they tire me out to a point of identity crisis. 
I have to take them in doses, like prescription pills.
 But I feel terrible for my constant leaves of absences. 
We are all in this disoriented stage of limbo because of the hanging time between the phase from child to adulthood. 
They do not understand, I have to get back what they drain. 
My tendencies offend; they create tension.
 It seems all my life I surround myself with people who are in the same position and we all take rather than give, there a few rare neutrals. 
I find myself as a giver. 
Some are drawn to me and unfortunately;
 Its starting to make me wilt; 
there's this illusion of alienation tailing my heels. 

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